Saddened to learn of the death of British mystery writer Peter Dickinson, who, according to the BBC, died yesterday on his 88th birthday after a brief illness. The Beeb focuses on his books for children, but he was also a very fine writer of traditional mysteries - Wikipedia has a complete listing. He was the only writer (according to the Beeb, "the first and so far only") writer to win Gold Dagger Awards from the Crime Writers' Association for two consecutive novels, 1968's Skin Deep and 1969's A Pride of Heroes.
Hat tip: Doug Greene, via Facebook
Off to visit family for Christmas, Les. I'll be gone for a few weeks. So just dropping in to wish you and your family a very Happy Holiday and wonderful New Year. God bless.
Posted by: Yvettespaintbox | December 19, 2015 at 04:37 PM
The same to you and yours, Yvette. See you in the new year!
Posted by: Les Blatt | December 19, 2015 at 06:00 PM