Mrs. Classic Mysteries and I are spending the weekend in New Brunswick, NJ, at the annual Deadly Ink mystery conference. It's another of those wonderful gatherings of mystery readers and writers, and it is a particularly appealing one because it is much smaller and more intimate than most of the "big" conferences. Leslie and I will be appearing on a panel of readers to discuss the kinds of books we like and the ones we don't like. It should be a lot of fun.
If any of my readers has ever thought about attending a mystery conference and learning why so many authors and so many fans attend these events regularly, I strongly suggest trying one of these smaller conferences. Deadly Ink is the only one held in New Jersey every year, but there are plenty of other ones of similar size and stature scattered around the country. Deadly Ink gets perhaps a hundred people - by contrast, a Malice Domestic gets about 600, and Bouchercon may attract well over a thousand. A smaller conference means less congestion, more time to spend with other readers and other authors in a less stressful environment. Give it a try sometime!
And you are in Mrs. Pollifax' town!
Posted by: | August 09, 2015 at 12:51 PM
It's been several years since I read a Mrs. Pollifax book...may have to return her to the TBR collection for reading sometime soon...
Posted by: Les Blatt | August 09, 2015 at 04:43 PM