Here we are on the cusp of a new year. And Bev Hankins at the My Reader's Block blog is ready with a new challenge for 2015.
And away we go. In 2014, we completed a "Golden" Vintage Mystery Bingo Score Card by reviewing 36 books that fit the various categories we were given on the card. The prime requirement was that each had to have been first published before 1960. (Yes, I know, that's well beyond the customary dates given for the so-called Golden Age of Detective Fiction, between the two World Wars, but I didn't write the rules, folks.)
So what's up for 2015? Why...surprise...another version of Vintage Mystery Bingo, with another score sheet with a fair number of brand-new categories:
Once again, I'll be trying to complete the Golden score card, looking primarily for books that were published before 1960. These won't be the only books on my list to read and review next year, but I am working on completing this card as quickly as I can - which means sometime in the third quarter of the year, most likely. I've already got candidates lined up for more than half the categories. What will they be? As usual on this blog, I'm trying to limit my reviews to books that are currently available, whether in print or as e-books, so that my visitors here will be able to find copies for their/your own reading enjoyment. I hope you'll join me and check regularly to find my choices.
Oh - and if you're another book blogger who enjoys writing about mysteries, why don't you take the challenge too? You'll find full instructions here, on the My Reader's Block blog. You don't have to do all 36 - just complete one (or more) line of six to claim a "Bingo" on the card. The more of us reading these books and writing about them, the more we may be able to bring our favorites to a new generation of readers. Let's do it.