Some continuing computer problems and the need to devote some real-life detective work to figuring out how to achieve some results in Windows has caused me to fall behind in some posting. Before September gets entirely out of hand, let me make two recommendations to you.
First, there is a new issue of the I Love a Mystery Newsletter, Sally Powers's bimonthly gathering of reviews of all that is new in crime fiction of all genres. Whatever your taste - cozy, traditional, thriller, espionage, medical, procedural, serial killer, you name it - you'll find reviews here of the newest releases. If you're looking for your next book, you may well find it here.
And then there's Mike Ripley's monthly "Getting Away with Murder" column for the Shots Crime & Thriller eZine. This time, there are several items which may be of particular interest to Classic Mysteries visitors, including a long section on the classic spy novels of E. Phillips Oppenheim, John Creasey's long and incredibly prolific career and the republication of one of those Detection Club collaborative books that was written by Margery Allingham, Anthony Berkeley, Freeman Wills Croft, Ronald Knox, Dorothy L. Sayers and Russell Thorndike, which is a pretty powerful combination.