I suspect that many seasoned readers of historical mysteries may have been drawn to the genre by the marvelous Brother Cadfael mysteries written during the last quarter of the 20th century by Ellis Peters. Set in the England of nearly nine hundred years ago, they are the chronicles of Brother Cadfael, a Benedictine monk who is also a marvelous detective. There are 20 novels and one book of short stories in the series - almost all of them long out of print.
Now, Open Road Integrated Media and The Mysterious Press have brought back all 21 of the Cadfael books as e-books. If you like clever mysteries with a marvelous historical setting, written with style, grace and humor, you really need to read these books. You can use my Amazon search box on the upper right side of the page here for Kindle format (and thank you) or order them in other ebook formats from The Mysterious Press.
Looking back over my own reviews, I see that I only reviewed one of the Cadfael mysteries - the correctly-titled An Excellent Mystery - several years ago, before starting this blog. You can still listen to my review by clicking here. I still recommend this book wholeheartedly; it is a beautiful and dramatic story, and it moves me to tears even on re-reading it.
It has been quite a while since I read many of the books in this series, and I'm looking forward to renewing my acquaintance with these memorable characters.
Les - I got the word on that too, and it's exciting news. Nice to know there are companies working to keep those classics available.
Posted by: Margot Kinberg | August 13, 2014 at 03:39 PM
Margot, to me, the possibility that publishers and authors could very easily keep "backlist" books available in ebook format is the strongest argument in favor of ebook readers and ebook publishing.
Posted by: Les Blatt | August 13, 2014 at 03:46 PM