Getting ready to spend the weekend in not-too-distant New Brunswick, New Jersey with more mystery readers and mystery writers. It's Deadly Ink, and while it's relatively smaller than, say, Malice Domestic, it's just as enthusiastic about the mystery genre and its various sub-genres. The guests of honor this year will be Donald Bain and his wife, Renee Paley-Bain, authors of - among other things - the continuing series of about two dozen novels (so far) based on the characters from Murder She Wrote. Jessica Fletcher may share the bylines, but the Bains have the responsibility.
Also in the spotlight will be Toastmaster Donna Andrews, another award-winning author and one of the funniest people I know. I'm very much looking forward to seeing and hearing her again this weekend.
And for full disclosure: the Deadly Ink folks have been kind enough (or misguided enough) to name me as their Fan Guest of Honor this year.
At Saturday night's banquet, the group will announce the winner of this year's David Award, for the best mystery published during 2013. The award is named for David G. Sasher, Sr., and the nominees this year are:
- Lethal Treasure, by Jane Cleland;
- There Was an Old Woman, by Hallie Ephron;
- Condemned to Repeat, by Janice MacDonald;
- The Wrong Girl, by Hank Phillippi Ryan;
- Dark Music, by E. F. Watkins.
There will, as always, be panels, book signings, and the usual continuing opportunities for schmoozing with other fans about mysteries, which is really the best part of these things. I hope I'll see some of you there!
Have a great time in New Brunswick, Les. Nothing better than being surrounded by people who love the same kinds of books that you do. :) I'll bet you bring home lots of great stuff to read.
Posted by: Yvettespaintbox | July 31, 2014 at 09:17 PM
It's a good group of people, Yvette - fine authors, avid readers. Many of them are the same people I meet at similar (but larger) conferences, and it's good to have a chance to talk with them all in a more relaxed setting.
Posted by: Les Blatt | July 31, 2014 at 09:36 PM