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    December 26, 2012


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    Joan Kyler

    Thanks, Les. How could I not buy the 100 Classic Mysteries?! Just did and forwarded your blog to another mystery buff.

    Hope you and yours have a peaceful, healthy, and happy New Year! Thanks for your terrific blog.


    Thanks for a great post. I've read most of these books, but just ordered "The Judas Window" for my get-away reading this weekend. Sounds great!

    Les Blatt

    Donna, I think you're going to enjoy "The Judas Window" - beautiful setup, ingenious locked room, and "H.M." at his irascible best. Thanks for the kind words!

    Les Blatt

    Joan, there are a lot of really good reads in that 100 Classic Mysteries compilation. I think you'll like it. Glad you enjoy the blog! And let me return the wish for a happy and healthy new year to you and yours.


    Just one warning: Canadians cannot purchase THE HOLLOW MAN. That's understandable; everyone knows Canada is a wasteland devoid of humanity.

    Les Blatt

    Thanks, Patrick - I wasn't aware of the restriction on Canadian sales (since I'm looking at the pages from the U.S.). Another pointless confrontation brought about by really badly written copyright laws. Apologies.


    Still, I *am* glad that an e-edition exists -- like them or hate them, ebooks can help introduce these authors to a brand-new audience that has never heard of them, and could help bring about a rebirth in terms of popularity.

    Les Blatt

    I agree completely on that point, Patrick. I'd love to see all the great - and now forgotten - authors made available again through ebooks. The same holds for contemporary authors whose books have slid off the backlist and are now out-of-print. There's no reason their books couldn't be still selling in ebook format.

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