I am currently sitting in my house in Northern New Jersey watching the frantic preparations for a major storm. Having weathered a fair number of these events, I am pretty sure that I will be losing electric power sometime in the next 24 hours - and it may not be back for several days.
That being the case, I will be publishing this week's podcast and blog review here in the next couple of hours. That way, when my power goes out in the storm (sadly, "when," not "if"), you will still be able to read and hear this week's new review.
One other problem: my computer's hard drive died this past week - and it took with it the program I have used to maintain the background code which makes the podcast available to subscribers and to iTunes. I THINK I can continue to maintain it manually, and that will begin with this week's podcast. So if you see or hear anything unusual about it, please let me know.
Oh, and if you post a comment on this blog, as I hope you will continue to do, it's likely to take me a while to answer it, until I can find a source of power to reconnect me to those interwebs. My apologies in advance.
For those of you also being affected by Sandy, I hope we will all come through this both dry and safe.
Hope you are safe from the oncoming storm. While you're sitting there during the worst of the storm, without electricity and having nothing to do but survive intact while listening to the high winds, bangs and bumps of things being blown around, and the sound of rain/sleet/snow beating on your roof and windows, I think a fun thing for your readers (me) would be if you think about creating a list of the best "dark and stormy night" mysteries. I love mysteries and other fiction involving that scenario and would love to read YOUR list, if you have one or can make one. We'll all be waiting to hear of your safety after the storm passes. Thank you. Nancy in Texas
Posted by: Nancy Turner | October 28, 2012 at 05:37 PM
Thank you, Nancy - and I like the idea. When my power disappears - which it will! - I have a flashlight ready for an excursion into my books in search of those dark-and-stormy-night stories. I promise you a blog post when the power comes back!
Posted by: Les Blatt | October 28, 2012 at 08:15 PM
Also having been through a bunch of hurricanes, nor-easters, and other terrible weather, but mostly in New England, I've decided that the weather forecasters are worse than the storm! Being in Philadelphia for this one, we're hoping that there's less chance of losing electricity or a better chance of having it restored quickly. Just in case, my Kindle, with its accessory light, is all charged up!
Stay safe. Looking forward to your post-storm post.
Posted by: Joan Kyler | October 29, 2012 at 08:12 AM