British author, critic and man-about-town Mike Ripley has posted another edition of his monthly column, "Getting Away with Murder," as featured in the Shots Crime & Thriller Ezine.
Once again, he covers a wide range of topics in a remarkably small space. This edition includes, among other things, the launch of a new Dick Francis novel (by his son), a couple of new and potentially important reference books, the high price publishers charge for said reference books, a glance at several other new mysteries, a note about the republication of a 1933 classic from members of the Detection Club, thoughts about British crime movies, and a couple of new books from Ian Rankin and Michael Connelly. And that's just in the first column of the page.
He also points with justifiable pride to "an honourable mention" received in the online version of Black Mask magazine. Somehow, it appears that my post here last month formed the basis for the Black Mask post. I'm not sure how that happened (I don't think I know anyone at the magazine, and I'd be astounded to learn they knew of me), but any positive mention of Mike's name, whether honorable or honourable, is richly deserved.