The culprit, as always, is British mystery writer Mike Ripley, whose monthly column, "Getting Away with Murder" enlivens the Shots Crime and Thriller eZine. Ripley's column pretty well defines the word "eclectic," and his sense of humor makes the column a highly entertaining read.
Among the topics discussed in Ripley's latest, posted just a couple of days ago: a new John Rebus novel coming from Ian Rankin; a Scandinavian import from a couple of crime-writing sisters; a new edition of Ian Fleming's James Bond books; a discussion of a 1961 crime novel by Shelley Smith that was praised by Julian Symons; Ripley clearing his bookshelves; Romanian crime novels; and Ripley's choices for a handful of awards. And that's just the first half of his column!
Whiplash? Disorientation? You may experience some. But with the Ripster, as he signs himself, those are the hazards to be encountered and overcome. If you've never read him, give "Getting Away with Murder" a try.