The nominees have been announced for this year's Anthony Awards, to be presented in September at Bouchercon in St. Louis.
A lot of the nominees look pretty familiar, having been nominated for (and, in several cases, won) Edgars and Agathas already. But there's one category which will present a real quandary: Best Web Site/Blog. It's going to be a tough "battle of the blogs." There are five excellent choices...two of which are blogs which I make it a point of checking daily: Jen's Book Thoughts, edited by Jen Forbus, and The Rap Sheet, edited by Jeff Pierce. They're both good writers, thoughtful critics, tireless bloggers - and how in the world am I going to vote for them both without cheating?
If you're not familiar with them - or with the other nominees - this would be a good time to start checking them out. And if you're a devoted mystery fan and haven't registered for Bouchercon yet...this would be a good time to do so (and get to vote for the winners).
I appreciate your dilemma, Les.
I think you ought to vote for the blog/Web site that you find most valuable and consistently interesting. Of course, I hope that leads you to vote for The Rap Sheet. But even if you cast your ballot for some other site, that's OK, too. I think every nominee in this category deserves great respect.
Posted by: J. Kingston Pierce | May 10, 2011 at 06:38 PM
Thanks, Jeff. As I say, I am a regular reader/visitor at The Rap Sheet as well as at Jen's Book Thoughts - both quite valuable, though not always covering the same areas. Congratulations on the nomination - and good luck in September!
Posted by: Les Blatt | May 10, 2011 at 07:06 PM