OK, not exactly. But there is a new trailer out (from YouTube via Mashable) for the seventh (and next-to-last) Harry Potter movie, based on the first half of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and there is a great deal of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in this one. Not surprising, given the events that make up the plot of this book.
Oh - and, yes, Harry Potter belongs on this website. Taken in their entirety, the seven Harry Potter novels make up a brilliant mystery, complete with clues carefully planted in all the books leading up to the conclusion. There's a lot of warfare and action in "Deathly Hallows"; I hope the movie won't get so carried away with the action that it leaves out any of the critical and sometimes even heartbreaking plot twists and turns. The Harry Potter novels are classics - classic mysteries, really.
One word of advice: if you're new to the Potter saga, you should read the books in order FROM THE BEGINNING - or at least watch the movies in order
FROM THE BEGINNING, or the later books/movies may make little sense to you. I find them tremendously entertaining.
I had never thought of Harry Potter as a mystery, but you are completely right! There is a murder at the start of the story. We think we know the story behind the murder, but it takes us 7 books (or 8 movies) to really unravel what happened to the Potters on that faithful night. Good call, Les!
Posted by: Jennifer Lowe | October 02, 2010 at 08:40 AM