It's here - my new Amazon Kindle e-reader has arrived. I must now download some kindling, of sorts, and begin putting it through its paces.
As a life-long reader of traditional printed books, I have mixed feelings about my new Kindle.
It is lightweight, and it will remain so even after being loaded with many books. GOOD.
E-books will take up no additional bookshelf space. GOOD.
I like the feel of a book, the looks of a book, even the smell of a book. BAD.
I will have to endure the reproachful gaze of my neighborhood bookstore owner. BAD.
The new cover for my new Kindle has a built-in reading light, useful in beds and planes and other not-well-lit places. GOOD.
My first downloaded book is L. C. Tyler's "The Herring-Seller's Apprentice." I will not be able to get him to autograph a copy for me. BAD.
So it's a toss-up, so far. I'll keep everyone posted as I learn to use it.
There is a lot of out-of-print stuff that you can get for pennies on the Kindle. That's the main reason I'll eventually get one.
Amazon has at least two Dr. Thorndyke collections, where you get four whole R. Austin Freeman books for ninety-nine cents!
Or you can get every A.J. Raffles book (including the one super-hard-to-find novel, Mr. Justice Raffles), also for ninety-nine cents.
I think you made the wise choice, Mr. Blatt.
Posted by: Josiah | September 06, 2010 at 04:26 PM
As a matter of fact, Josiah, I bought the two Freeman collections a few days ago and they're now sitting on my Kindle. I'm glad you mentioned the Raffles books as well - they'll be added to the list. It's hard to find these (and a lot of other) classic collections in print now, but they are available on Kindle. Watch for reviews in the coming weeks and months.
Posted by: Les Blatt | September 06, 2010 at 05:09 PM