As a person who dearly loves the classic mysteries of my childhood, I am wholeheatedly in favor of introducing children to good, well-written and enjoyable mysteries early in their reading careers. First of all, I am convinced that the only way to make sure they have reading careers is to show them that reading can be fun and exciting. And, perhaps not surprisingly, I think that mysteries will do that.
That's why I welcome this new idea and challenge from Carrie at the 5 Minutes for Books blog. She has initiated the Children's Classics Mystery Challenge. On the second Tueday of every month, from January to June, 2010, she will be gathering suggestions for great children's mysteries on her blog. I'll be participating from here (with links, of course), and I urge my readers to join in.
I have a lot of ideas of my own about classic mysteries that are appropriate for kids and which, if my own experience can be any guide, should get them hooked on these marvelous books. My wife, a school librarian, has additional suggestions which she'll be funneling through me. Your suggestions will also be welcomed. I'm looking forward to getting this started next month.